CINTRAFOR Trade Trends is a collection of charts updated monthly using data from the Global Trade Atlas and USA Trade Online designed to provide a quick and informative visualization of trends in important markets for U.S. wood products.
Each chart is the same format: the green columns on the left side are annual data for prior years (2007-2017), the blue columns on the right side are monthly data accumulated year-to-date (YTD) for the most recent full year (2018), and the red dots connected with a black line are the YTD volumes for the current year (2019). We hope this format provides you with an easily discernable depiction of both long-term and short-term trends. Charts are organized according to product type: hardwood logs, hardwood lumber, OSB, softwood logs, softwood lumber, wood furniture, and wood pellets. Most of the charts are related to U.S. exports in total and to specific markets (e.g. China, Japan, Mexico, Vietnam). But we also include a few charts showing total imports in some countries in order to provide a perspective on changing U.S. market share. And there are some export charts for major suppliers such as Canada, Russia and New Zealand to provide a perspective on competition. Most products are tracked by volume, usually cubic meters or metric tons, but wood furniture is tracked in U.S. dollars. New charts will be added in conjunction with related research. Requests for additional trends are welcome. Comparing 2019 to the prior year:
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